Hegu acupressure rings were created and patented by Mary Jane Neumann, L.Ac. Headaches are routinely and successfully treated with acupuncture. The concept for Hegu acupressure rings began as a solution for patients who wanted a natural alternative for headaches that could be used at home and on the go. Why Hegu? Hegu refers to the acupressure point that the rings stimulate. It means “joining valley” and it represents our mission to merge an ancient modality with the modern world.
Mary Jane is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist. Her love of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine began in Japan, where she was introduced to the benefits of acupuncture while teaching English. A lifelong health and wellness seeker, Mary Jane earned her M.S. in Acupuncture fromĀ Tri-State College of Acupuncture. and a masters degree in Basic Medical Science from Wayne State University School of Medicine. Mary Jane has been in practice for over a decade with a focus on pain relief, women’s health, and facial rejuvenation. She previously taught in the departments of Oriental Medicine and BioScience at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine .